Thursday, May 26, 2016

Nightmares of Walmart and the Debacle of Moneygram

As companies grow bigger it seems their customer service declines and their capacity to care for the customer is rated far lower than how much money they can take from you.

Don purchased a Moneygram money order at Walmart and after 3 weeks determined that he didn't need it. He decided to take his unmade-out money order complete with the receipt intact back to Walmart.

The first store in Leicester, Massachusetts, (where he purchased the money order) repeatedly stated that he was cashing a money order. "No I want a refund." "Sir, I don't know how to do that and if I did we would need 2 forms of ID." "I don't want to cash it, I bought the money order, I just want my money back." After 20 minutes, with a continuing run-around Don left for a meeting.

After the meeting, Don presented the money order at the Walmart in Worcester, Massachusetts. "In order to cash a money order, it needs to be filled out." "I don't want to cash it, I just want a refund. I bought the money order, I am the purchaser." After repeating this a couple of times, the customer service agent said, "Okay sir, I can refund it if you just make it out to yourself." With great reluctance, Don made out the money order to himself and signed the front and back, thinking all the while that this would not end good.

The agent called Moneygram to process the money order and nearly completed the process of clearing the money order but was disconnected. When she called back Moneygram had flagged the money order due to suspicious activity.

Don left and after a 50 minute ride reached home where he called Moneygram. After explaining the harassment and clown show he had been through, the customer service agent at Moneygram apologized profusely and told him to return to the last Walmart he had been to and present the money order because she had removed the flag.

By the time Don arrived at the Worcester Walmart, a new crew was at work and they had no knowledge of what had happened earlier, nor should they,but Don had to explain what happened.

The customer service agent at the Walmart Customer Service desk began to explain how to cash a money order.

"I don't want to cash it, I am the purchaser, I want to refund it." "I'm sorry sir, I don't know how to do that." Can you find someone who can do it?" asked Don. "No sir, we are very busy." "I expected this," said Don, "I copied down the amount of the money order, the phone number to call and instructions on how to reach an agent at Moneygram who can help." "Sir, I'm very busy, I can't do that. We have procedures we need to follow and the book with the refund procedure is not here." "You don't need the book, all you have to do is call Moneygram." After a few minutes of fervent discussion, the Walmart customer service person finally called Moneygram.

"No, it isn't blank, it's been filled out." "He says he is the purchaser." "Yes, the serial number is 'xxx'" "Yes, the mount is $141.03" "No, he didn't buy it at this store." "Sir, we can't refund this money order." "What!!??, give me the phone!"

"Sir," said the Moneygram customer service agent (a male). "we are not obligated to refund a money order." "What!? You mean you can take my money and then not return it! I gave you my money, I want my money back!" "Sir, we are not under any obligation to refund a money order, we just sell money orders." "You can't do that, that's my money. I want my money back" and round and round they went for about 10 minutes. "Okay sir, just give the money order to the agent."

"Sir, do you have your Walmart receipt?" "What? I just want a refund of a money order that I bought from Walmart in Leicester. No, I don't have a receipt." "Do you have an ID?" "I have a passport and a military ID, but the passport is expired."

"Sir, we can't accept these ID's, if you had not filled out the money order, we could just refund it, but now that you have filled it out, you are the payee and you must present a valid ID." "What!? I was just doing what you told me to do! I would not have filled it out except that the customer service agent here told me I had to do that!"

"I'm sorry, sir, I can't help you. Please take a claim form, fill it out, attach the original money order and mail it to Moneygram and they will send you a refund in 4 to 6 weeks minus the processing fee of $15.00."

Don spent 4 hours of drive time, covered over 80 miles and used a half tank of gas without getting his money.

You know who is not using Walmart for financial services again nor Moneygram.